You waited till you are worn
When will you Pampers your newborn
Night may seem long and forlorn
Soon, it will be the turn of the sun
And you will see your long-awaited son
Nay, daughter to start your new morn
Abiodun Soretire, April 2014
When will you Pampers your newborn
Night may seem long and forlorn
Soon, it will be the turn of the sun
And you will see your long-awaited son
Nay, daughter to start your new morn
Abiodun Soretire, April 2014
Note: This is IniOluwanimi Isaac Soretire, the covenant firstborn child that came after seven years into our marriage. We had to wait for seven seeming long years.
A fertility expert/doctor had even declared ours an impossible case if we were hoping for it to happen through natural unassisted means. We needed the medical assistance of IVF (In Vitro Fertilisation), he had given the verdict. Fortunately for us, we rather chose to hope in God and wait on Him and His long-standing promise of fruitfulness for us. Lo and behold, on the 26th of June, 2014, we have Ini in our hands as the proof of God's faithfulness.
I minister to you, you waiting mothers and fathers, your waiting shall soon be over. Your tears shall be wiped and your bouncing bundle of Isaac shall be delivered unto your hands, safe and sound, in Jesus' name. Amen.
IniOluwanimi; God's promise made, God's promise kept